As the Cayman Islands Minister of Education (2009 - 2013)
Completed “Health Check” of education system – June 2010
Launched New Education Stabilisation Plan – January 2011, informed by “Health Check” report with views from educators
Published first progress report on Education Stabilisation Plan – January 2011
Developed new governance model for the education system, restructuring DES and the Ministry (no new roles or additional costs), for more effective leadership – June 2010
Established New Education Policy and Planning Unit in the Ministry to advise on education policy and strategy – September 2011
Created new Senior School Improvement Officer roles within DES, providing challenge and support for schools – September 2011
Established Data Unit within DES to track student performance and attendance – Fall 2010
Formed the New Principals’ Consultative Council to give principals a voice in decision-making – Fall 2010
Launched national campaigns:
“Valuing Educators” – April 2011 (including Teachers’ Appreciation events)
“Valuing Education” – April 2011 (encouraging national appreciation for education)
Established National Professional Standards for Teachers – December 2011
Enhanced performance management process for education, linking incentives to student success – September 2012
Developed national education policies in priority areas (2010/11):
School Discipline and Student Behaviour
Teaching and Learning
Misuse of Drugs
Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
Early Admissions
ICT Integration Policy and Strategy
ICT Acceptable Use (for students and teachers)
Introduced first Food Health Standards for Canteens in Government schools – September 2010
Established various Taskforces/Committees to develop solutions:
Scholarship Review Committee – 2010
Early Years Taskforce – Aug 2010 to June 2011
Principals’ Consultative Committee – September 2011
At-Risk Strategic Planning Team – May to June 2010
Business Studies Advisory Committee – 2011
Literacy Advisory Committee – 2011
Teacher Performance Management Review Taskforce – June to Oct 2011
Graduation Requirements Committee – April to May 2011
Data Advisory Committee – December 2011
Education Law Revision Task Force – September 2012
National Standards for Principals Advisory Group – September 2012
Conducted first stakeholder reviews on education in Cayman Brac & Little Cayman, with surveys and meetings – June 2011, follow-up in April 2012
Developed National Professional Standards for teachers to guide recruitment, performance management, and professional development – 2011
Implemented enhanced graduation criteria for government high schools – September 2011:
Level 1 Diploma: At least 5 passes at Level 1, including English and Math
Level 2 Diploma: At least 5 passes at Level 2 (CXC, GCSE, IGCSE, AS, or AP), including English and Math
Level 2 Diploma with Honours: At least 7 passes at Level 2, including English and Math
Implemented a revised teacher recruitment policy and process – February 2011
Conducted a consultancy review of the Education Standards and Assessment Unit (ESAU) – June 2012
Launched the National Strategic Plan for Education (2012-17) – February 2013
Restructuring of Secondary Education
Staffed and structured two all-through (Years 7-11) high schools in Grand Cayman, replacing the former middle/high school structure. September 2010
Launched a new Year 12 Programme at the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC), providing new learning opportunities for all abilities through:
A Foundations Programme for re-sits
A Dual Entry programme for A-levels at private schools
A TVET programme with a range of BTEC Courses
September 2010
Established the Dual Entry Programme at UCCI. This programme enables students who have achieved at least 5 Level 2 passes, including mathematics and English, to commence Associate Degree courses alongside college preparation classes. September 2011
Increase in students gaining 5 or more O’ Level Equivalent passes:
2010: 37%
2011: 45%
2012: 49%
Use of Data
Established a comprehensive database to capture various aspects of the education system for strategic planning, tracking student performance, participating in international surveys, and responding to Freedom of Information requests. December 2011
Published the first National Education Data Report. September 2012
Introduced a range of new externally accredited TVET courses at CIFEC, including:
Creative Media Production
Motor Vehicle Repair
Information Technology
Sport & Leisure
Medical Technicians programme (in partnership with the Health Services Authority) - September 2010
Health and Social Care in a Childcare Setting - September 2011
Construction, Cosmetology, Deloitte Employability - September 2012
Oversaw the establishment of an Auto Mechanics Apprenticeship (Superior Auto Training Program) accredited through the JAGAS/Heart NTA. September 2011
Developed new websites for the Department of Education Services and all schools ( and updated the Ministry website ( 2010/11
Completed computer lab upgrades for all primary schools and John Gray High School. 2010/11
Implemented online web-based Star Reading assessments and CAT (Cognitive Abilities Tests) for all primary and high school students. 2010/11
Introduced an iPad pilot at Lighthouse School. September 2012
Opened the new Clifton Hunter High School at Frank Sound, accommodating nearly 900 students from North Side, East End, and Bodden Town districts. September 2012
Opened a new multi-purpose hall/canteen at East End Primary School. May 2011
Opened four new primary classroom buildings in September 2012 at:
Bodden Town Primary School
Savannah Primary School
George Town Primary School
Sir John A Cumber Primary School
Launched the highly successful Passport2Success programme to tackle barriers to unemployment for young people aged 17-20 (Fall 2010). The programme has achieved an 89% completion rate, with 59% of participants currently employed, 18% attending school, and 24 persons enrolled in Cohort 5.
Implemented the first phase of a National Qualifications Framework and a National Qualification Record (2011) to create a common understanding among schools and employers of the value and equivalencies of various vocational and academic qualifications, facilitating progress and mobility in education and employment.
Introduced extended and targeted work placements for CIFEC, spanning the entire academic year (2010/11), providing hands-on application of classroom learning, work readiness skills, and literacy and numeracy support.
Launched the Deloitte Employability Studies Programme (September 2012), a Level 2 programme that teaches students the skills, attitudes, and behaviours needed to secure and sustain employment.
Established a new 3-person Careers Advisory Unit at CIFEC, fully staffed by September 2011.
Expanded the CIFEC induction programme (September 2012) to incorporate Passport2Success guiding principles before work placements.
Restructured the Scholarship Secretariat with additional resources (2010/11) to improve efficiency and expand services for scholarship recipients.
Enhanced the national scholarship programme, providing access to tertiary education for 371 students overseas and 506 students locally in 2011/12.
Launched the Harry Chisholm Scholarship for Banking and Finance in partnership with the Royal Bank of Canada (May 2011).
Introduced the Gwen Bush Memorial Scholarship for Boatbuilding and other Maritime Careers in partnership with the Cayman Islands Seafarers Association and the Cayman Maritime Heritage Foundation (February 2011).
Established an Early Years Taskforce, which has provided advocacy and support to the Ministry to identify priorities and support improvements (July 2010).
Launched a restructured and fully staffed Early Childhood Care and Education Unit (May 2011).
Developed and implemented the first Cayman Islands Early Years Curriculum Framework (June-November 2011).
Developed and implemented the first round of an Early Years inspection programme (2010/11).
Piloted and re-introduced Reception at George Town Primary with one class (September 2010).
Opened new reception classes at four primary schools:
Sir John A. Cumber – 3 classes
Savannah – 3 classes
Bodden Town – 1 class
George Town – 1 class
(September 2012)
Raised the minimum age of entry to Reception (4 years, 0 months) and Year 1 (5 years, 0 months) to address the issue of children entering programmes too early (September 2012).
Supported the launch of the first Parents Education and Information Fair for parents and adults working with young children (May 2011).
Conducted a six-week introduction to Early Year Training course for 83 practitioners (2011).
Published monthly newsletters (since September 2011) to keep school and centre owners, principals, and staff up to date with the Unit’s progress and provide best practices and resource ideas.
Reviewed and enhanced the administration of the Early Childhood Assistance Programme (ECAP) (June-November 2011).
Appointed a new President and Board for UCCI who worked with the Ministry to recover the dignity and integrity of the institution (2009/10).
Enhanced the physical security of the campus and introduced CCTV monitoring (2009/10).
Ensured essential maintenance and improvements to the physical plant (2009/10).
Improved student registration systems and procedures (2009/10, 2010/11).
Achieved significant improvements by Management and Board in relation to financial controls (2009/10).
Strengthened the development of Music and the Performing Arts:
Introduced new Caribbean Dance and Culture course (Fall 2010).
Launched highly acclaimed UCCI Choir, Dance Troupe, and Steel Pan (2009/10-2010/11).
Strengthened Character Development with “Men of Standard”/”Women of Character” programmes (2009/10, 2010/11).
Launched a range of new programmes:
First professional MBA (Sept 2010).
Partnered with the Agriculture Department to provide Agricultural Workshops, leading to a Certificate in Agricultural Studies (March 2011).
Twenty-four RCIPs officers graduated from a new bespoke programme (October 2010).
Introduced the first Pre-College Programme (Fall 2010).
Dual Enrolment Programme for Year 12 students (September 2011).
Engineering Technology, Associates (2011/12).
Nursing, BSc launched (April 2013).
Signed an MOU with Ritz Carlton to provide Hospitality Programme students with quality work experience.
Implemented a New Language Lab (Fall 2010).
Selected by the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment to be its Accredited Training Provider in the Cayman Islands (2010/11).
Selected by the Association of Caribbean Tertiary Institutions (ACTI) to pilot the Associate Degree in Information Communications Technology (2010/11).
Hosted UCCI Annual International Conference (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12).
Opened the new William H. Hrudey Observatory (2012).