Professional Profile and Career Summary
- Demonstrated achiever and leader with thorough knowledge of the hedge fund industry and reporting requirements of Cayman domiciled funds.
- Strong organizer having been elected to the Legislative Assembly from 2000 to 2013.
- Demonstrated leader having served as a Cabinet Minister from 2009 to 2013.
- Debated and helped shape critical legislative and policy reform in financial services from 2000 to 2013, therefore gained a strong understanding of the business and legislative framework in the Cayman Islands.
- Completely technology literate and comfortable with learning new software.
- Works well with people and is a self-starter who works well under pressure and communicates clearly and effectively.
- Worked in the world’s financial capital, New York.
- Participated in the Joint Ministerial Council in London (highest political forum for British Overseas Territories).
Bachelor of Business Administration1995
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Concentration in Accounting; graduated cum laude - Passed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam (on first attempt) 1996
Career History & Accomplishments
Managing Director, Pointer Consulting Ltd., Cayman Islands 2014-Present
- Lead consultant on development projects financial analysis.
- Regulatory consultant to a utility company.
- Regulatory and business consultant to general aviation and aviation security companies.
- Outsourced CFO for medium-sized companies.
- Provide outsourced accounting services for medium-sized companies.
Deputy Chairman, Health Services Authority, Cayman Islands 2019-2021
- Chairman of Audit Subcommittee
- Member of Finance, IT and HR Subcommittees.
- Focused on board governance policies.
Minister of Education, Financial Services & Employment and Deputy Premier, 2009-2013
Cayman Islands Government (Cabinet).
- Responsible for an annual operating budget of $84 million and over 800 staff.
- Responsible for a cumulative capital budget in excess of $100 million.
Led a whole-scale reform of the public education system, including:
- Early Childhood Care and Education curriculum development
- Behaviour for Learning strategies
- Restructured two secondary schools
- National numeracy and literacy interventions
- New graduation criteria
- Professional standards for teachers and principals
- Five-year National Strategic Plan for Education (2012-2017)
- Developed and implemented three traineeships/apprenticeships.
- Led the restructuring of Pensions and Labour enforcement.
- Led the legislative reform for a new Pension Regime.
- Piloted financial services legislation addressing OECD Peer Review comments, addressed AIFMD, and created Portfolio Insurance Companies.
- Signed the Tax Information Exchange Agreement with Brazil on behalf of the Cayman Islands.
- Played a key role in negotiating the four-year Cayman Islands budget framework with Her Majesty’s Government (2013-2016).
Oversaw the reform at the University College of the Cayman Islands, introducing programs such as:
- Nursing BSc.
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education
- A thriving Performing Arts Department
- Astronomy programs
Elected Member of the Legislative Assembly, Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly 2000-2013
- Elected in November 2000 at age 28 (youngest in the history of my district).
- Successful in re-election bids in 2005 and 2009.
Served on the Public Accounts Committee:
- Chairman (2000-2005)
- Member (2005-2009)
- Served on the Waste Management Advisory Committee (2005-2009).
- Served on the Telecoms Advisory Committee, which led to the successful end of a monopoly in telecoms (2001-2003).
- Served on the Energy Advisory Committee (2002-2005).
Sponsored or co-sponsored various Private Members' Motions, including:
- Labour Law Reform proposals
- Lending practices proposals
- First-time property ownership proposals
- Sunshine legislation proposals
- Health insurance proposals
- Legislative procedural reform
- Member of the Cayman Islands Constitutional Negotiating Team.
Partner, RSM Cayman Ltd., Cayman Islands 2003-2009
- Successfully established Goldstein Golub & Kessler (Cayman) in the local audit marketplace.
- Oversaw a series of mergers that resulted in McGladrey & Pullen Cayman (later renamed RSM Cayman Ltd.).
- Responsible for a portfolio of over 100 hedge funds.
- Ceased involvement upon selection as a Cabinet Minister following the 2009 general elections.
Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Cayman Islands 1995-2000
- Audit Senior, PwC Cayman (1999-2000) – Responsible for a portfolio of hedge funds and banking clients.
- Audit Senior, PwC New York (1997-1999) – Responsible for a portfolio of hedge funds and Registered Investment Companies (RICs).
- Staff Accountant, PW Cayman (1995-1997) – Worked on audit teams responsible for hedge funds, banks, trusts, and captive insurance companies.
Memberships & Affiliations
- Honorary Member of Cayman Islands Seafarers Association
- Justices of the Peace Association
Rolston Anglin, JP
(345) 926-3338
256 Crewe Road, George Town, POBox 1, Grand Cayman, KY1-1301, CAYMAN ISLANDS
(345) 926-3338
256 Crewe Road, George Town, POBox 1, Grand Cayman, KY1-1301, CAYMAN ISLANDS